Thursday, August 7, 2008

Things I hear

Ella says so many funny and cute things on a daily basis. I try to remember what they are, but since I'm a mom, I have no real memory anymore. I've decided to just start posting them here. I don't care if I have 10 posts a day, because at least they'll be documented for all to read!

*This morning Ella gallops over to me and is making horse sounds. I ask her if she's a horse for today and she says she is a "horse unicornia." She calls unicorns, unicornia's. I tell her that she needs to go put on some underwear and she says very matter-of-factly:

"Horses, unicornia's, don't wear people underwear." She then turned her tail around and walked away.

*A few days ago B was opening some mail. I asked him what was in the envelope and he said, "It's just my European stocks."

Ella says in a very upset tone, "I don't pee in my socks!"

1 comment:

Lavender Lemonade said...

Great idea to post all those little comments our kids make and we "try" to remember to jot down sometime.