I got so much flack from people about his "mullet." I didn't think it looked like one; I thought he looked like a cute little boy. Some strangers thought he looked like a little girl. I was getting sick of my friends asking me, "so, have you cut your son's hair yet?" that I think I gave into peer pressure. Shame on me.
I do think he'll be a little cooler now; perhaps the breeze will reach his neck now. And maybe it will be easier to clean food out of his hair after he feels the need to rub it all over at every meal.
So there, people. I did it. You all nagged me and nagged me and finally I gave it. I cut Grayson's beautiful hair. Do you all feel better now?

What a handsome grown up boy you have there! :)
Seriously, crap in her hair is what prompted me to lop MT's hair off awhile back. I was so sick of it having food and snot and eye goop (she got pink eye several times when she was in daycare) in it all the time.
I wish I had gone with the short hair again this summer because her longer hair is SUCH a pain.
He looks so cute! I don't think he looks all grown up. Just wait until he wants a close cut with the buzzers then he will look all grown up.
It's funny you're cutting your son's hair off and I'm letting my son's hair grow out. Until I can't stand it anymore that is.
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