Her and I had gone to Prince of Peace Community Early Learning Center the Thursday prior to get her paperwork and take a quick tour. She didn't want to leave. "I want to stay and learn!" she said over and over again. I thought it was so cute that she wanted to stay and learn, not stay and play.
We went shopping that weekend for a new outfit for the first day of school. She picked out a cute jumper and I found socks to match.
We got up very early that Tuesday. Brady had stayed home that morning from work so he could go with us to her new school. It became a family event - everyone to the preschool for Ella's big day!
She was so excited when we arrived. She wasn't nervous or scared at all! After we signed her in and took her to her classroom, she washed her hands, gave us hugs and kisses, and just walked away to start playing with her new friends. Wow. She didn't linger or hold onto my leg like I thought she might. She just walked away like it was no big deal.
And it has been that way for the last 3 weeks. Every Tuesday and Thursday I sign her into school around 8:30. We go to her classroom - The Purple Cat room - where she washes her hands, gives me hugs & kisses, and then just walks away.
I'm glad she is enjoying preschool so much. She has learned "Criss-cross applesauce" and has been a "Lights off/on" helper. She has learned a few new songs, and made some new friends. I'm so happy that she gets to learn and play somewhere other than our house.
I didn't put her into preschool expecting it to be a big learning experience for her in the sense that she'll be more "book" smart when she leaves. I put her into preschool so she could gain socialization experience. And POPCELC was not the preschool I expected my kids to go to. I did not want them going to any sort of religious school. However, I didn't have any other option.
Well, that's not true. I could have tried to put her into the preschool through the school district, but she never would have been accepted; she's too smart. I didn't realize that because it's a free program, they take the kids that need the most help first. Ella would have tested above their standards. My other option was to have driven Ella to C-U a few times a week, wasting time and gas just to keep her out of the religious hoopla of Prince of Peace. But I think that at this age, the Bible is just stories, and she'll be in kindergarten soon enough.
I also think that her being in preschool will be good for me too. I'll get to meet people in my town. People who obviously have a child the same age as Ella. She'll be invited to birthday parties and hopefully play dates as the year goes on, which of course means that I'll get to interact with other parents - adult conversation is always a good thing for me.
So although this preschool was not my first choice, I think it was a good one. Ella's liking it. I'm liking it. I know it's only been a few weeks, so I won't count my chickens....but I've got a good feeling about the whole thing!
Here's a few pictures from Ella's first day of school:
Ella & Daddy

Her teachers - Miss Jennifer and Miss Regina
Mommy & Ella after school
Fun stuff!
Bubba's going to start Tiny Tigers next month, but it's only pre-preschool for us.
But that's awesome that it'll be good for you and E!
That's not the same Ms. Jennifer that was there when I was. I'm glad she is liking preschool. MT found a boy that she digs (was there any doubt that she would be hanging with the boys) and she has gotten better about going to school.
It will be good for G to get some one on one time as well. A good thing, all the way around :)
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