Saturday, July 26, 2008

Pics of G

I was playing with my new phone this morning, and Grayson was my subject.


SunnyD said...

I love his curls! That's a very sweet little boy you've got there, Makeup_Girl.

What kind of phone did you get? I'm in the market for a new one soon.

makeup_girl said...

Thanks, Looseyfur! Everyone keeps telling me to cut his hair, but I can't bring myself to do it.

The phone is a MotoRizr Z6TV. It would be perfect if C-U had tv-phone capabilities. But B won it, and it takes good pics, so I'm happy with it.

SunnyD said...

Rachel had the same issue with Rowan's hair. Such delicate awesome little curls. :-) I think she just recently did it for the first time, but the haircutter really did a good job of not just cutting them all off.

Hope to see ya when I get back from taking care of Mom next week.