Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Little Man is Miserable

Yesterday, Grayson woke up from his afternoon nap with a fever. He's getting in the last of his first set of molars, so I'm assuming that's the reason. I checked his temp prior to bed and it was 100.3. I put the last of the Motrin in his bottle of milk and rocked him to sleep. I just knew that the night wasn't going to go well.

He woke up briefly around 12:30 a.m. but fell back asleep on his own. I decided to just sleep on the couch so that I wouldn't wake up B or Spike when G finally did wake up. About 2 a.m. he was screaming in his crib. I got him out and his body was so hot! I stripped his jammies off of him and put him in a tank-top. Our couch is leather, and I knew he'd be sweating, so I didn't want him to stick to it. I got him some milk with the last of the Tylenol spiked into it (I guess I need to inventory my meds more often) and we assumed our normal position on the couch. It was hard to lie next to him because his body was so hot, but we managed to get some sleep.

When he woke up I checked his temp and it was now 101.3. He was crying with no end in sight, and his body was still so damn hot. I called the doctor's office and they said they couldn't get me in until 1 p.m. so I told them I'd see the on-call doc as soon as possible. I know that the doctors think checking on kids with low-grade fevers are a waste of time, but G just got done with a round of antibiotics for an ear-infection and I wanted to make sure that it wasn't back.

I had about an hour before we left for the doctor's office, so I started the car, turned the A/C up full blast, and loaded up the kids to go to the grocery store for more Motrin (Ella in her pajamas, and G in nothing but a diaper). I left them in the car while I ran in. I know that some people would never,ever do such a thing, but I live in a small town, and I knew they'd be fine. So if you're thinking of giving me grief over it, don't bother.

When I got back, I gave G his meds & tried to give him a luke-warm bath. Normally he's knocking down our bedroom door as soon as I mention bath time. This morning, however, he just cried more after I put him in the water. The poor kid was so miserable. He wouldn't eat or drink anything, and he just kept crying.

He did good on the car ride to the doctor's office, but that could have just been because I had Nemo on the dvd player. We got into the exam room really fast, and the nurse took his weight and temperature - 24 lbs. 15 oz, and a temp of 99.3. Of course it went down - just enough to make me look like an over-reactive mom. The doctor came in and although he was nice enough, I didn't fell 100% comfortable around him, nor did the kids. He said G's ears were fine, and that he's probably just having side-effects of his teething. Then he offered a sticker to Ella, practically shoving the box of them into her hands, and he bolted out the door. I know a screaming kid is no fun, but geez!

At least I know his ear infection is gone, so I guess the $15 co-pay was worth it?

He is still miserable. He napped this afternoon for less than an hour, and he normally takes a 3-hour one. He didn't eat any lunch or dinner, and I've been lucky to get him to drink his milk. I've numbed his gums a few times and I had B get some Tylenol for him. Since they are two different meds, his normal pediatrician said I can give him both a few hours apart. He's so hot, still, and that really bothers me. His whole body is just burning up.......but his "official" temperature is nothing to run to the ER over.

Ella just passed out, and I feel so bad because she wanted to play with me and I had to spend almost all of my day taking care of Grayson. I was able to involve her in a few things, like getting Grayson's bottle or medicine, and she helped me put toppings on the pizza we made, so at least we had some interaction today. But I still feel like I neglected her.

It's almost 9 p.m. and G still won't go to sleep. He keeps fussing over the smallest things, and even his Baby Einstein isn't keeping his attention. It looks like it's going to be one of those nights again. Brady is out of town for the rest of the weekend, so it's just me dealing with everything, again.


Amy said...

OOOOO, Poor G! I used to give JB and WW popcicles or ice chips (G is probably not old enough for ice chips) when they have a big fever like that. That way they are getting some liquids and they can cool down a bit.

I hope he is back to his happy, healthy self soon!

Quigs78 said...

That's exactly what happens to me! They have 103 fevers at home, and they're 99 at the ped. Makes me feel like they're going to call DCFS and say I'm a Munchausen's mom.

I hope G feels better soon! And that you get some rest!

Lavender Lemonade said...

Yucko! And to be dealing with it solo really sucks. Sounds like you're doing all the right mom stuff, though. Hang in there. And don't feel too guilty about missing playtime with E. Its hard, but there will be other fun days with mom. :)